Three Rivers Little League (competitive baseball & softball)

News Detail


Sep, 2024

TRLL is seeking more area representatives

The Three Rivers LL 24/25 Board of Directors is looking for area representatives for the Aspen/Basalt and Eagle/Edwards areas. If interested in assisting with other towns please email [email protected]

We need a representative to:

  • be the first point of contact for coaches and umpires if an issue or field problem arises
  • the liaison with the town/park personnel to convey schedules, confirm readiness of field (too wet? May need to visually check fields. Is the field prepped? Occasionally may need to help prep a field)
  • assist with the weekly practice schedules for teams in the area
  • distribute coaches/team equipment to area teams
  • attend board meeting when needed

If you have interest or know someone who would be great for this job please email: [email protected]

Thank you,

TRLL Board of Directors

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